
Motivated by work of Erdős, Milner and Rado, we investigate symmetric and asymmetric partition relations for linear orders without the axiom of choice. The relations state the existence of a subset in one of finitely many given order types that is homogeneous for a given colouring of the finite subsets of a fixed size of a linear order. We mainly study the linear orders 〈α2,<lex〉, where α is an infinite ordinal and <lex is the lexicographical order. We first obtain the consistency of several partition relations that are incompatible with the axiom of choice. For instance we derive partition relations for 〈ω2,<lex〉 from the property of Baire for all subsets of ω2 and show that the relation \(\langle ^{\kappa }{2}, <_{lex}\rangle \longrightarrow (\langle ^{\kappa }{2}, <_{lex}\rangle )^{2}_{2}\) is consistent for uncountable regular cardinals κ with κ<κ = κ. We then prove a series of negative partition relations with finite exponents for the linear orders 〈α2,<lex〉. We combine the positive and negative results to completely classify which of the partition relations \(\langle ^{\omega }{2}, <_{lex}\rangle \longrightarrow (\bigvee _{\nu <\lambda }K_{\nu },\bigvee _{\nu <\mu }M_{\nu })^{m}\) for linear orders Kν,Mν and m≤4 and 〈ω2,<lex〉→(K,M)n for linear orders K,M and natural numbers n are consistent.

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