
To investigate the use of contraception in a representative sample of Norwegian women. Frequency distribution of contraceptive methods by age, marital status and partly strata. A sample of 4,933 women were selected at random from the Central Population Register as participants in the second Norwegian fertility study (1988). The response rate was 81% (n = 4,019) and personal interviews of contraceptive use were carried out among 2,782 women who were fecund, sexually active and not pregnant. These women comprise the study population. 2,782 women were sexually active during the last month prior to the interview and thus in potential need of contraception. More than 50% of the women used either oral contraceptives (21%) or IUDs (30%). The use of oral contraceptives decreased linearly with age from a user rate of 60% among women 20-24 years old to 1.5% among women 40-44 years of age. The use of IUDs increased from 6% in the youngest age group to nearly 40% among women aged 30-39 years of age. Oral contraceptives were preferentially used by childless women or those with only one child, while IUDs were most often used by women with two or more children. The sterilisation rate increased by age and in the 40-44 age group one out of every three women was sterilised. Non-use was most frequent among the subgroups of women who planned children in the future. Use of condoms and other coitus-dependent contraceptives varied less with age, marital status and parity than did the use of OC, IUDs or sterilisation. The user pattern concerning different contraceptive methods reflects the general guidelines for contraceptives in Norway. The fact that nearly 70% of the women were in one of the three categories--OC or IUD users, or one of the partners was sterilised--reveals that the awareness and knowledge of modern contraception is high in Norwegian society.

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