
Restriction-site analysis of chloroplast DNA in Clarkia sect. Peripetasma (Onagraceae) was done to test previously proposed phylogenetic models. One hundred nineteen restriction-site mutations were identified among the nine species using 29 restriction enzymes, and these were used to construct rooted most parsimonious trees (Wagner and Dollo). A chloroplast DNA evolutionary clock could not be statistically rejected. Branch points of this tree were statistically tested by Felsenstein's bootstrap method. This tree 1) provided an unambiguous and detailed genealogical history for the section, 2) verified a previous partial phylogenetic model for the section based on gene duplications and differential silencing, 3) provided details of the phylogenetic model not inferred or expected based on morphology and reproductive isolation, and 4) indicated that morphology evolves at markedly different rates within and between lineages in the section.

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