
Chlorophyll a fluorescence rise (FLR) measured in vivo in dark-adapted plant tissue immediately after the onset of high light continuous illumination shows complex O–K–J–I–P transient. The steps typically appear at about 400 μs (K), 2 ms (J), 30 ms (I), and 200 – 500 ms (P) and a transient decrease of fluorescence to local minima (dips D) can be observed after the K, J, and I steps. As the FLR reflects a function of photosystem II (PSII) and to more understand the FLR, a PSII reactions model was formulated comprising equilibrium of excited states among all light harvesting and reaction centre pigments and P680, reversible radical pair formation and the donor and acceptor side functions. Such a formulated model is the most detailed and complex model of PSII reactions used so far for simulations of the FLR. By varying of selected model parameters (rate constants and initial conditions) several conclusions can be made as for the origin of and changes in shape of the theoretical FLR and compare them with in-literature-reported results. For homogeneous population of PSII and using standard in-literature-reported values of the model parameters, the simulated FLR is characterized by reaching the minimal fluorescence F 0 at about 3 ns after the illumination is switched on lasting to about 1 μs, followed by fluorescence rise to a plateau located at about 2 ms and subsequent fluorescence rise to a global maximum that is reached at about 60 ms. Varying of the values of rate constants of fast processes that can compete for utilization of the excited states with fluorescence emission does not change qualitatively the shape of the FLR. However, primary photochemistry of PSII (the charge separation, recombination and stabilization), non-radiative loss of excited states in light harvesting antennae and excited states quenching by oxidized plastoquisnone (PQ) molecules from the PQ pool seem to be the main factors controlling the maximum quantum yield of PSII photochemistry as expressed by the F V / F M ratio. The appearance of the plateau at about 2 ms in the FLR is affected by several factors: the height of the plateau in the FLR increases when the fluorescence quenching by oxidized P680 + is not considered in the simulations or when the electron transfer from Q A − to Q B (−) is slowed down whereas the height of the plateau decreases and its position is shifted to shorter times when OEC is initially in higher S state. The plateau at about 2 ms is changed into the local fluorescence maximum followed by a dip when the fluorescence quenching by oxidized PQ molecules or the charge recombination between P680 + and Q A − is not considered in the simulations or when all OEC is initially in the S 0 state or when the S -state transitions of OEC are slowed down. Slowing down of the S -state transitions of OEC as well as of the electron transfer from Q A − to Q B (−) also causes a decrease of maximal fluorescence level. In the case of full inhibition of the S -state transitions of OEC as well as in the case of full inhibition of the electron donation to P680 + by Y Z , the local fluorescence maximum becomes the global fluorescence maximum. Assuming homogeneous PSII population, theoretical FLR curve that only far resembles experimentally measured O–J–I–P transient at room temperature can be simulated when slowly reducing PQ pool is considered. Assuming heterogeneous PSII population (i.e. the α / β and the Q B -reducing/ Q B -non-reducing heterogeneity and heterogeneity in size of the PQ pool and rate of its reduction) enables to simulate the FLR with two steps between minimal and maximal fluorescence whose relative heights are in agreement with the experiments but not their time positions. A cause of this discrepancy is discussed as well as different approaches to the definition of fluorescence signal during the FLR.

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