
Hydrothermal veins and dykelets that cross-cut layered olivine gabbros deep in the plutonic section of the Samail Ophiolite, Sultanate of Oman, point towards the occurrence of hydrothermal circulation in the deep oceanic crust, and these features record interactions between rock and high temperature seawater-derived fluids or brines. Deep penetration of seawater-derived fluids down to 100 m above the Moho transition zone and the consequent interactions with the host rock lead to hydrothermal alteration from granulite facies grading down to greenschist facies conditions. Here we present a study of veins and dykelets formed by hydrothermal interaction cutting layered gabbro in the Wadi Wariyah, using petrographic, microanalytical, isotopic, and structural methods. We focus on amphiboles, which show a conspicuous compositional variation from high-Ti magnesiohastingsite and pargasite via magnesiohornblende and edenite, to Cl-rich ferropargasite and hastingsite (up to 1.5 a.p.f.u. Cl) and actinolite. These minerals record a wide range of formation conditions from magmatic to hydrothermal, and reveal a complex history of interactions between rock and hydrothermal fluid or brine in a lower oceanic crustal setting. Large variations in Cl content and cation configurations in amphibole suggest formation in equilibrium with fluids of different salinities at variable fluid/rock ratios. The presence of subsolidus amphibole extremely enriched in chlorine implies phase separation and brine/rock interactions. 87Sr/86Sr values of 0.7031 to 0.7039 and stable δ18O isotopic compositions of 4.1 to 5.6‰ of the different amphibole types suggest a rock-dominated environment, i.e. with low fluid/rock ratios. However, the slight departure from mean Oman isotope values may indicate there was some influence of seawater in the aforementioned fluid-rock interactions. Our study provides new petrological data for the subsolidus evolution of gabbro-hosted amphibole-rich veins in the presence of a seawater-derived fluid.

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