
The protonophore-mediated collapse of the large delta pH that acidophiles maintain across their cytoplasmic membranes was augmented by the presence of Cl-, and Cl- influx into the cells occurred evidently in response to the protonophore-induced increase in the inside-positive membrane potential (+ delta psi). In respiring cells, the addition of Cl- but not SO4(2-) salts caused a rapid and precipitous decrease in the + delta psi. A Nernstian relationship between the imposed transmembrane K+ gradient and the valinomycin-induced K+ diffusion potentials was observed when everted membrane vesicles were loaded with K2SO4 or KH2PO4 but not when loaded with KCl or KNO3. Thus, electrogenic Cl- transport occurred in Bacillus coagulans. In addition, a nonelectrogenic temperature-sensitive Cl- transport mechanism, with the net Cl- efflux coefficient (PCl-) ranging from 1.5 x 10(-4) to 6.1 x 10(-6) cm/s, accounted for the massive Cl- efflux from Cl(-)-loaded cells. Thus, B. coagulans, despite its dependence on the + delta psi and therefore the need to exclude anions, apparently possesses specific mechanisms for Cl- permeation. Active cells of B. coagulans prevented Cl- accumulation from attaining an electrochemical equilibrium, maintaining a delta micro Cl- of ca. -63 mV. B. coagulans therefore also possesses an energy-dependent mechanism for Cl- exclusion from the cells.

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