
To determine the prevalence of Chlamydia pneumoniae in community-acquired pneumonia during a period of seven years. Serum samples from 311 patients with pneumonia were evaluated using microimmunofluorescence assay to detect C. pneumoniae -specific IgG and IgM antibodies. Thirty nine patients (12.5%) complied with the diagnostic criteria of acute C. pneumoniae infection (a four-fold rise in the titer of IgG antibody, or a single IgG titer > or = 1:512, or a single IgM titer > or = 1:16). All patients were diagnosed as having pneumonia. Co-infection with other respiratory tract pathogens was found in four patients. C. pneumoniae is an important cause of pneumonia also in our area. Pneumonia due to this bacterium occurs in the cold months and in early spring; in addition we have observed periods of increased incidence of one years duration and periods of low incidence lasting one-two years. Therapy with macrolides and levofloxacin was effective in all patients with C. pneumoniae infection.

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