
In my paper, I delve into the socio-political dimensions of knighthood and chivalry during the Medieval era of Europe through a comparison between the Medieval English poem, “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,” and the video game, Fire Emblem Three Houses, published in 2019 by Nintendo. Within both texts, I explore chivalry and knighthood as a specific social code and institution of power, both of which are complex constructs beneath its veneer of idealism and romanticism. More prominently however, I discuss the interplay between chivalry as a system of power and one’s humanity. I argue that the Blue Lions path of Three Houses compellingly demonstrates this dynamic through its characters and their interactions together, while also shining a light on the reality of individuals beholden to institutional power. Although contemporary narratives may tend to misconstrue the past for dramatic effect, I believe there is value in examining them because they may conversely reveal previously overlooked aspects of historical concepts due to the biases and values of the period.

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