
Ampicillin was embedded in a chitosan matrix to develop an oral release dosage form. The in vitro release profile of ampicillin from chitosan beads and microgranules of chitosan was monitored, as a function of time, using a UV Spectrophotometer. The releasing studies were performed in a rotating shaker at 100 r.p.m., containing 0.1 m HCI buffer, pH 2.0, or 0.1 m phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, solutions, and a comparison was made between the drug loaded microbeads and microgranules. It seems that the amount and percentage of drug release was much higher in HCl solution compared with the phosphate solution, probably due to the gelation properties of the matrix at acid pH. The release rate of ampicillin from the chitosan matrix was slower for the beads as compared with the granules. From scanning electron microscopic studies, it appears that the drug forms a crystal structure within the chitosan beads, which dissolves out slowly to the dissolution medium through the micropores of the chitosan matrix. The results propose the possibility of modifying the formulation in order to obtain the desired controlled release of the drug for a convenient oral sustained delivery system.

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