
Minor forest products have been a source of livelihood of millions of forest dwellers in India and other developing and third world countries. The seeds of Buchanania lanzan (Chironji) - a tree species belonging to the family Anacardiacae are commercially very useful for rural tribal people in various parts of India. The seeds/kernels of the plant yield fatty oil which is a substitute for olive and almond oils and widely used in confectionery as well as in the Indigenenous Medicine System (IMS). Due to unsustainable extraction of the seeds natural regeneration of Chironji has become a major issue among environmentalists and field biologists during the last few decades. The species listed in the Red Data Book of IUCN as a vulnerable medicinal plant species. The present article deals with the assessment of the nutritive/economic value of Chironji and regeneration techniques which might be helpful in the conservation and enhancement of this valuable species. The study reveals that the species have great nutritive values having indigenous and industrial significance. Vegetative propagation has shown good results compared to direct seed sowing. The conservation of the species can be promoted by adopting better regeneration techniques and creating awareness among primary collectors and suggesting appropriate scientific harvesting practices.

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