
The vinyllithium reagent 13 and its enantiomer are generated by a bromine/lithium exchange reaction starting from dibromoalkenes 11 and 12, both available from the corresponding enantiomer of alkyl lactate. When 13 is allowed to react with aldehydes or with acetophenone, a highly stereoselective addition to the Re face of the compounds occurs to give predominantly the diastereomers 15. Alkenes 25a,c, accessible by another bromine/lithium exchange reaction of 15a,d and subsequent protonation, can be cleaved by ozonolysis followed by reduction to afford carbinols 27a, b in > 98% ee. The sequence corresponds to a stereoselective introduction of a methanol d1 synthon (⊖CH2OH) or, as shown by other examples, of acyl and formyl d1 synthons (⊖CRO and ⊕CHO) into prochiral compounds. As a consequence, 13 and its enantiomer may be regarded as highly stereoselective reagents for carbonyl umpolung. A series of further vinyllithium reagents, 38a-g and 54/55, is treated with benzaldehyde, but none of those displays comparable enantiofacial selectivity. The prerequisites to the highly stereoselective reactions of 13 and its enantiomer are briefly discussed.

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