
We study chiral symmetry restoration by analyzing thermal properties of QCD's(pseudo-) Goldstone bosons, especially the pion. The meson properties are obtained from the spectral densities of mesonic imaginary-time correlation functions. To obtain the correlation functions, we solve the Dyson-Schwinger equations and the inhomogeneous Bethe-Salpeter equations in the leading symmetry-preserving rainbow-ladder approximation. In chiral limit, the pion and its partner sigma degenerate at the critical temperature . At , it was found that the pion rapidly dissociates, which signals deconfinement phase transition. Beyond the chiral limit, the pion dissociation temperature can be used to define the pseudo-critical temperature of the chiral phase crossover, which is consistent with that obtained by the maximum point of chiral susceptibility. A parallel analysis for kaon and pseudoscalar suggests that heavy mesons may survive above .

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