
We examine recent magnetic torque measurements in two compounds, $\gamma$-Li$_2$IrO$_3$ and RuCl$_3$, which have been discussed as possible realizations of the Kitaev model. The analysis of the reported discontinuity in torque, as an external magnetic field is rotated across the $c-$axis in both crystals, suggests that they have a translationally-invariant chiral spin-order of the from $<{\bf S}_i. ({\bf S}_j ~\times ~ {\bf S}_k)> \ne 0$ in the ground state and persisting over a very wide range of magnetic field and temperature. An extra-ordinary $|B|B^2$ dependence of the torque for small fields, beside the usual $B^2$ part, is predicted due to the chiral spin-order, and found to be consistent with experiments upon further analysis of the data. Other experiments such as inelastic scattering and thermal Hall effect and several questions raised by the discovery of chiral spin-order, including its topological consequences are discussed.

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