
We show that a hot rotating fluid of relativistic chiral fermions possesses a new gapless collective mode associated with coherent propagation of energy density and chiral density waves along the axis of rotation. This mode, which we call the Chiral Heat Wave, emerges due to a mixed gauge-gravitational anomaly. At finite density the Chiral Heat Wave couples to the Chiral Vortical Wave while in the presence of an external magnetic field it mixes with the Chiral Magnetic Wave. The coupling of the Chiral Magnetic and Chiral Vortical Waves is also demonstrated. We find that the coupled waves - which are coherent fluctuations of the vector, axial and energy currents - have generally different velocities compared to the velocities of the individual waves.


  • In a stationary uniform background the anomalies generate steady time-independent currents

  • At finite density the Chiral Heat Wave couples to the Chiral Vortical Wave while in the presence of an external magnetic field it mixes with the Chiral Magnetic Wave

  • 45◦, and the parameters of the gas are chosen in such a way that the velocities for the pure chiral magnetic (2.17) and heat (3.16) waves are the same, v = vCMW = vCHW, the angle between the phase and group velocity is θ ≈ 0.32 ≈ 18◦ while the velocity of the mixed wave is greater than the velocities of any of its pure constituents: vMH = 5/3v ≈ 1.3v

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Chiral Magnetic Wave

We briefly review the Chiral Magnetic Wave (CMW) following ref. [35]. The CME (2.1) generates electric (vector) current of the fermions, jV ≡ j along the direction of magnetic field, while the CSE (2.2) leads to appearance of the chiral (axial) current jA ≡ j5 given, respectively, by a sum and a difference of the right-handed (jR) and left-handed (jL) fermionic currents: jV = jR + jL , jA = jR − jL. The strength of these effects is controlled by the corresponding anomalous transport coefficients in eqs. Realistic implementation of the Chiral Magnetic wave in heavy-ion collisions was considered in ref. [45]

Chiral Vortical Wave
Nondissipative energy transfer
Pure Chiral Heat Wave
Chiral Magnetic-Vortical wave
Three solutions for dispersions
Zero temperature: chiral vortical and mass waves
Chiral Magnetic-Heat Wave
Chiral Magnetic-Vortical-Heat Wave
Non-propagating diffusive modes: dense hot spots
Rotating hot dense fluid in the absence of magnetic field
Rotating hot zero-density fluid in magnetic field
Rotating hot dense fluid in magnetic field
Summary and conclusions
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