
Using SU(3) chiral perturbation theory we calculate the density-dependent complex mean field $U_\Sigma(k_f)+ i W_\Sigma(k_f)$ of a $\Sigma$-hyperon in isospin-symmetric nuclear matter. The leading long-range $\Sigma N $-interaction arises from one-kaon exchange and from two-pion exchange with a $\Sigma$- or a $\Lambda$-hyperon in the intermediate state. We find from the $\Sigma N\to \Lambda N$ conversion process at nuclear matter saturation density $\rho_0 = 0.16 $fm$^{-3}$ an imaginary single-particle potential of $W_\Sigma(k_{f0}) =-21.5$ MeV, in fair agreement with existing empirical determinations. The genuine long-range contributions from iterated (second order) one-pion exchange with an intermediate $\Sigma$- or $\Lambda$-hyperon sum up to a moderately repulsive real single-particle potential of $U_\Sigma(k_{f0})= 59$ MeV. Recently measured $(\pi^-,K^+$) inclusive spectra related to $\Sigma^-$-formation in heavy nuclei give evidence for a $\Sigma$-nucleus repulsion of similar size. Our results suggest that the net effect of the short-range $\Sigma N$-interaction on the $\Sigma$-nuclear mean field could be small.

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