
Integration of chip-scale quantum technology was the main aim of this study. First, the recent progress on silicon-based photonic integrated circuits is surveyed, and then it is shown that silicon integrated quantum photonics can be considered a compelling platform for the future of quantum technologies. Among subsections of quantum technology, quantum emitters were selected as the object, and different quantum emitters such as quantum dots, 2D materials, and carbon nanotubes are introduced. Later on, the most recent progress is highlighted to provide an extensive overview of the development of chip-scale quantum emitters. It seems that the next step towards the practical application of quantum emitters is to generate position-controlled quantum light sources. Among developed processes, it can be recognized that droplet–epitaxial QD growth has a promising future for the preparation of chip-scale quantum emitters.


  • Today, it is understandable that the development of integration technology has led to great progress in the field of device miniaturization, and great innovations have been achieved in the fabrication of advanced devices

  • After several decades of attempts to improve the performance of computers based on complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) technologies, it was recognized that the limit of this technology was approaching [4,5]

  • Arakawa and Holmes [43] presented a broad-spectrum overview of the quantum dot (QD)-based single photon emitters developed to date, from the telecommunication bands in the IR to the deep UV range. They concluded that the majority of advances in high-quality single-photon emitters have been made in the infrared range using III-As or III-P QDs [43]. They believed that all experiments on photon indistinguishability have been performed using III-arsenide QDs emitting in the vicinity of 900 nm which is due to the well-established growth and sample processing techniques [43]

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It is understandable that the development of integration technology has led to great progress in the field of device miniaturization, and great innovations have been achieved in the fabrication of advanced devices. In the early years of the development of integrated optical technology, it was found that this approach has the potential to revolutionize our future computation systems as a result of dramatic increases in the speed of computing and signal processing. The manufacturing challenges of architected photonics chips for high-speed and energy-efficient optical integration platforms have persisted [11]. TTThhheeerrreeefffooorrreee,,,qquuaannttuummtteecchhnnoolloloogggyyyccacaannnaafafffefecectctttthhtehewewwaayyawyweweleliivvleievddeuudeeuttoeoititotssaiatbsbiilaliitbtyyiltitotoypptroroovpviriddoe-e vffaiasdsceciinfnaaastticinninggaataiddnvvgaanandccevesasniincnebsbooitnthhbtoteetcchhhntneoocllohogngyoyloaangndydaffunundnddfauamnmdeenanmttaalelnssctcaiielensnccceieeanarcreeaaass.r.eTTahshe.eTmmhoeossmtt ioimmst-pipmoorprttoaarnnttatnaaitimmaimooffotthfhitishsitsteectcehhcnnhoonlloooglgoyygiyissitstootoppapavaveveetthhtheeewwwaaayyyffofoorrrssmmaaallllleleerrr,, ffaasstteerr,, aaannndddmmmooorrreeeflffleleexxxiibibbllelee eeellleeeccctttrrrooonnniiicccsssttthhhaaannneeevvveeerrrbbbeeefffooorrreee...OOOnnnlllyyyddduuurrriiinnngggaaafffeeewwwyyyeeeaaarrrsss,,,ttthhheeedddeeevvveeelllooopppmmmeeennntttooofffqqquuuaaannntttuuummmttteeeccchhh--nnnooolllooogggyyywwwaaasssrrreeeaaallliiizzzeeedddddduuueeetttoooiiitttssspppooottteeennntttiiaiaalllfffooorrrcccooommmmmmeeerrrccciiaiaalllaaapppppplliliciccaaattitioioonnnsssaaannndddsssttrtrraaatteteegggiiciccssseeecccttotoorrrsss qvaqtaalmaqtayunnnuouunnutamddalaaimdaduaclnnlynttmevyotttrrvtutruoaatrwiuoeaicmlnnmcmlnmuiwussotsomffhcamrcfieercocteoerrmmhohmermrmrwmrieewaeaenpaddpccdidpecuithhutvhhffuthlfarirtiaeirntoinoannionanaemndmgierdmgtsgvnalmavle““gaaies“aaanbbnsasebnsragllrstnaaulutanafuaaniieeegninfegldnfaeegssgeertsagskokamusektayriytauariynuliee”n”llgtr”-tgrhreohwossreoesmcecrfooacroioiiaqdiiefletrflpet-hunns-lhwqnrdwqmcacmouocuoeenoafbearapttptrnlqplutonoelrdoputrdmomtuoaaluaaabiambsncpfimftlpf.ileeatpieeepucIemttllmlttiehldldmioediccsdnccsna.hooooa.hotstIffneetlIifnt—oiotcttosotodeeghndlennccclooyncsooahhosge—h—ogne—ntnsynlsyomoopcb—noc—nlagleraloooeonoopynatpgegctgrbnmaymryebomyoensectrrpescrdheeeaaieaelamaasnppomnstpsntghyiispiiddatpineedtanhlllhdlgoqlyypgoaysayutrutya[[taeoe[2a2aef2dacsfi2n2dss2iuq]]ctuosqt]..utufioi.lufoefFoFvmfaFinsainocosenocotnior,ricterlcqteaulvioinruvinnnucmenymtmecstsapscutqtpnctqaractaurrctuayunonayunoanptmcaccpmmecnaeentyert----,,,---, speed, and endurance factors of the quantum computer are determined to describe its performance It seems that high-performance computing with quantum computers can be obtained by the development of room temperature superconducting materials. Regarding the challenges that need to be tackled for the maturation and scaling up of quantum photonic integrated circuits (PICs), major areas such as components, platforms, and integration processes must be developed. The newest findings and progress obtained in recent years are highlighted to provide an extensive overview of recent developments in quantum emitters

Quantum Emitters
Quantum Dots
Two-Dimensional Materials
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