
A chip-based capillary electrophoresis/mass spectrometry (CE/MS) system is described for the CE separation and on-line electrospray detection of carnitine and selected acylcarnitines from mixtures of analytical standards as well as extracts of fortified human urine. Chip-based CE/MS experiments in two different laboratories were carried out using a triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer and a quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF) mass spectrometer, respectively. The glass chips used with both systems were comparably equipped with a microfabricated capillary electrophoresis (CE) channel but with different electrosprayers. The quadrupole chip-based CE/MS experiments employed a miniature coupled microsprayer, which allowed coupling of the microelectrospray process via a micro liquid junction at the exit of the CE capillary channel. Selected ion monitoring (SIM) CE/MS experiments were employed for all of the quadrupole CE/MS work. The QTOF CE/MS full-scan single MS and MS/MS experiments were carried out in another laboratory using accurate mass measurement TOF mass spectrometry techniques. The electrospray process that was employed with the QTOF system differed in that an inserted nanoelectrospray capillary needle was carefully affixed into a flat-bottomed hole that was aligned with the CE channel exit orifice. SIM CE/MS using the described quadrupole system provided acceptable ion current electropherograms from fmole levels from analytical standard solutions of carnitine and acylcarnitines that were manually injected (loaded) onto the chip. In addition, the corresponding electropherograms for human urine fortified with the target carnitine and acylcarnitines at a 10-20 microg/mL (35-124 microM) level were obtained via SIM CE/MS techniques. The measured CE separation efficiency for the SIM CE/MS electropherograms was determined to be 2860 plates (peak width at half-height method or N = 5.54(T/WO.5(2)), and carnitine and three acylcarnitines were separated in less than 48 s. In contrast, using quadrupole-TOF technologies, the same samples could be diluted by a factor of 2-4 to obtain a comparable detector response for the target compounds. In the full-scan, single mass analyzer mode (m/z 150-500), the CE separation efficiency was measured to be 2600 plates, but mass measurement accuracy was less than 5.0 ppm for the quaternary cations. In the CE/MS/MS mode, full-scan collision-induced dissociation (CID) mass spectra were obtained with a mass accuracy of < or =10 ppm for the higher mass ions and < or =27 ppm for the lower mass product ions. These results demonstrate the feasibility for on-chip CE separation and electrospray mass spectrometric detection for these important compounds in synthetic mixtures, as well as in human urine extracts.

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