
It is a hot topic in related research that studying and evaluating of the emotion mental state and the emotional resonance through the emotional pictures which are used as a kind of visual stimulus. This paper mainly studies the induction of emotional valence and arousal of Chinese children based on the International Emotional Atlas System (IAPS) image, and develops a virtual environment interaction system for collecting multimodal information. A total of 198 children were invited to participate in the experimental test, of which the effective data was 178 groups. The article counts the response results of children's self-selected emotions' valence and arousal in different directions and degrees of image stimulation, and calculates the matching degree between picture stimulation and emotional expression under different error thresholds. The results showed that the proportion of emotional stimuli that can effectively induce children with the same valence was about 58.5%, but different degrees of picture stimuli did not have emotional expression corresponding to arousal. Therefore, it is concluded that the first is to directly use the IAPS image system for the emotional induction of Chinese children needs improvement; the second is that this study shows multimodality based on other objective performances such as expressions, movements, eyes, and EEG activation. Analysis of children's emotions is very important.


  • This paper mainly studies the induction of emotional valence and arousal of Chinese children based on the International Emotional Atlas System (IAPS) image, and develops a virtual environment interaction system for collecting multimodal information

  • The results showed that the proportion of emotional stimuli that can effectively induce children with the same valence was about 58.5%, but different degrees of picture stimuli did not have emotional expression corresponding to arousal

  • It is concluded that the first is to directly use the IAPS image system for the emotional induction of Chinese children needs improvement; the second is that this study shows multimodality based on other objective performances such as expressions, movements, eyes, and EEG activation

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摘要:通过情绪图谱诱发观察者情感共鸣,研究其表现形式及作用效果是当前研究人员精神状态及情绪评估的一个热 门研究方向。本文主要研究基于国际情绪图谱系统(IAPS)图片对于中国儿童情绪效价及唤醒度的诱发情况,并开发 了用于采集多模态信息的虚拟环境交互系统。共邀请了198名儿童参加实验测试,其中有效数据为178组。文章统计了 在不同方向和程度的图片刺激作用下,儿童自选情绪的效价和唤醒度的响应结果,并计算了在不同误差阈值范围下, 图片刺激与情绪表达的匹配度。结果表明,不同效价的图片刺激能够有效诱发儿童产生相同效价的情绪共鸣的比例约 为58.5%,但不同程度的图片刺激未有对应唤醒度的情绪表达。因此,本文得出结论,一是直接将IAPS图片系统用于 中国儿童的情绪诱发需要改进;二是本研究表明基于其他客观的表现,比如表情,动作,眼神,脑电激活等来多模态 分析儿童情绪具有非常重要的意义。 0-5岁的学前儿童中10%-14%存在社交情绪行为的问 题[1];1/5的儿童有可达到诊断的某种精神障碍;一半的 持续终生的精神障碍在14岁前起病,24岁前3/4发病[2]。 眉、尴尬等表情,且面部表现的持续时间及程度也与正 常人相差较远[3,4]。基于语言、面部表情、头部位置和 视线等方法开始逐渐开始用于精神异常的筛查和诊断 研究中。Mikhailova等[5]研究发现,相对于健康人,患 者识别面部表情的能力受损,在辨别面部表情的测试中 会出现更多的错误;而且在识别悲伤表情时反应时间较 长,且表现出比较严重的消极倾向;Gollan等[6]研究发 现,抑郁障碍患者减缓了处理悲伤一类的表情,从而导 致其社会功能严重受损;Joormann等[7]研究发现抑郁障 碍患者对悲伤刺激表现出明显的注意偏向,而健康对照

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