
MR. HERBERT SPENCER, in his “Principles of Sociology” (3rd edition, New York, vol. 1. p. 207), relates the beliefs in the creation of mankind under the ground or in caverns, current among the Todas in Asia, the Basutos in Africa, and at least one-half of the American tribes. A similar belief I have lately found in a Chinese record. In Li Shih's Suh Poh-wuh-chi (written in the 13th cent. A.D., Japanese edition, 1683, tom. ii. p. 3) a quotation from the Ning-kwoh-lun runs as follows:—“Primitively there was no Liau-Kien in Shuh (now Sze Chuen); this tribe emanated from red clay in a cave of Teh-yang mountain, whence bits of the soil had began to roll out, each roll enlarging them, so that at last thereby was created a couple, who gave birth to many ”

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