
ABSTRACTThis research report provides a detailed overview of Chinese economic interests in the North Caucasus. While China has not shown interest in the Northern Caucasus in the past, the situation is now changing as Beijing actively develops cooperation with this region. China's comparatively low level of historical experience in the region, as well as its resultant lack of responsibility for the region's conflicts and problems, create favourable conditions for developing and deepening its relations in the Northern Caucasus. Chinese policy style is very calm, avoiding pomp and superfluous political and informational aspects. The Chinese presence in the North Caucasus is also in Russia's interest, as the latter sees it as a counter to Islamic radicalism and pan-Turkism, as well as a deterrent against further Western penetration into this strategic space, especially against the background of recent events in Ukraine. These realities may further boost Chinese interests in the region and give new impetus to its activities.

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