
Starting from 2013 when President Xi Jinping declared the start of the Belt and Road Initiative, China’s fast movement to the outside market and collaborative links has progressed rapidly. In the condition of the open market world order, China benefited and had become an active player in the international economy, where nowadays digitalization and cybersecurity play vital roles. The digital component of the Belt and Road Initiative is called Digital Silk Road, China, as a growing technological new superpower, uses Digital Silk Road for spreading its technologies worldwide and acquiring its own sphere of influence in the changing technological world order. This new method of influence can be regarded as digital power that can be observed in line with hard and soft powers. The chapter focuses on the main pillars of the Digital Silk Road particularly across the Eurasian region and examines its possible link with the Digital Agenda of the Eurasian Economic Union. Considering the ideological similarities of China’s cybersecurity policy directive with Russia’s cybersecurity policy perspective, as the leading country of the Eurasian Economic Union, it is worth observing the aggregation of cybersecurity ideologies of sovereignty within this respect.

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