
There are fifty-three (fifty-four if you include the disputed Western Sahara) countries on the African continent, islands in the Atlantic, and islands in the Indian Ocean. This bibliography encompasses material on countries in both Sub-Saharan and North Africa. As a result, some citations focus on the Middle East as they include information on Egypt and /or North Africa. bibliography covers all aspects of the China-Africa relationship. It is not restricted to trade, aid, investment, and political ties that constitute so much of the writing on this subject in recent years. A special effort has been made to include older material. With rare exceptions, the citations are limited to English and French, although some of the material has been translated into English from other languages, especially Chinese. A few of the entries discuss relations with Africa generally or individual African countries during the period that predates the establishment in 1949 of the People's Republic of China. vast majority deal with PRC- Africa relations after 1949. Many of the most recent citations come from sources that are only available on-line. As this material on the web occasionally moves around or even disappears, I have included an access date for each web citation. Authors from the People's Republic of and Ethiopia appear with family name first as is the custom in those countries. All other names have been alphabetized by surname, followed by the given name. I compiled this bibliography in connection with research for a book that Joshua Eisenman and I are writing on China-Africa relations. book will be published by the University of Pennsylvania Press. bibliography contains material noted up to March 2009. ARD intends to publish supplements as the literature on and Africa continues to burgeon. Abegunrin, Layi. (1983-1984) Soviet and Chinese Military Involvement in Southern Africa, Current Bibliography in African Affairs, 16 (3), pp. 195-206. Adie, W.A.C. (1962) Russia, and the Third World, Quarterly, no. 11 (July-September), pp. 200-213. _____. (1964) China and Africa Today, Race and Class, 5 (4), pp. 3-25. _____. (1964) Chou En-lai on Safari, Quarterly, no. 18 (AprilJune), pp. 174-194. _____. (1970-1971) The Communist Powers in Africa, Conflict Studies, no. 10 (December-January), pp. 1-20. _____. (1972) China Returns to Africa, Current Scene, 10 (8), pp. 1-12. _____. (1973) China's West Asian Strategies, in and the World Community by Ian Wilson (ed.). Sydney: Angus and Robertson, pp. 179-199. African Forum and Network on Debt and Development. (2008) Mapping Chinese Development Assistance in Africa: A Synthesis Analysis of Angola, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Harare, Zimbabwe: AFRODAD. See at www.afrodad.org / downloads / publications / China%20in%20Africa%20Draft .pdf. Accessed 5 October 2008. African Union Commission. (2006) Meeting of the Task Force on Africa's Strategic Partnership with Emerging Powers: China, India and Brazil, Report of 11-13 September meeting. Ahmed, Gaffar K. (2005) China Relations with the Middle East and North Africa, International Review (Shanghai), (autumn). See at www.siis-orgcn/Sh Yj Cms/Mgz/2008724233116XBG4.pdf. Accessed 30 December 2008. Ai Ching-Chu. (1964) China's Economic and Technical Aid to Other Countries, Peking Review, 7 (34), pp. 14-18. Aicardi de Saint-Paul, Marc. (2004) La Chine et l'Afrique, Mondes et Cultures, 1 (4), pp. 342-355. _____. (2004) La Chine et l'Afrique - Entre Engagement et Interet, Geopolitique Africaine. See at www.afriquechine.com / 2004 / la-chine-etrafrique-entre-engagement-et-interet.html. Accessed 4 June 2008. Ajakaiye, Olu. (2006) China and Africa - Opportunities and Challenges, presentation before African Union Task Force on Strategic Partnership between Africa and the Emerging Countries of the South (11-13 September). …

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