
China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) is most closely associated with the violation of human rights and freedoms of the Uyghurs, a national minority of Muslims of Turkic origin. Most of the publications on this topic are by Western scientists, journalists, and analytical centers, and formed the basis for the introduction of sanctions against individual companies and entire industries where forced labor was proven. However, there are no similar independent studies by Ukrainian scientists. The economic aspects of the region’s development, the consequences of sanctions for the economic activity of enterprises and the people of Xinjiang, in particular, are insufficiently researched. The author analyzed the economic condition of the modern XUAR, which was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and sanctions. Particular attention is paid to the stimulating measures taken by the Chinese government to support the growth of the region, such as economic development projects like the «Great Western Development Strategy» (这是大学乐). XUAR has strategically important political and economic significance for the stability not only of China, but also of Central Asia. Firstly, the geographical position in the North-West of the country with the largest land border, where the terroristic and separatist sentiments have been successfully curbed. Secondly, the wealth of natural resources and a favorable climate for agriculture and the development of alternative energy sources. The recent visit of the head of the People’s Republic of China to Xinjiang and the change of the head of the region to Ma Xingrui, who was previously in charge of Guangdong, are positive signals for local businesses and people. On the basis of statistical data, analytical materials of scientists, journalistic publications, and communication with colleagues who visited XUAR, the author came to the conclusion that the region has positive development trends, and the level of well-being of households in the region is increasing. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current economic state of XUAR in terms of priority directions of growth and under the influence of the risks of the pandemic and Western sanctions, to characterize the economic profile of the region from the perspective of further strategic development, taking into account the importance of the autonomous region for the government of the country, its business activity and political stability, and China’s growing influence in Central Asia.

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