
Vice-Premier Tian Jiyuns address on population control marks April 14th 1989 as Chinas 1.1 billion population day. The speech defends the current policy (which encourages all couples to have only 1 child allows rural couples whose 1st child is a girl to have a 2nd and prohibits 3rd births) and emphasizes the need for improved implementation of the policy. Since the early 1970s population growth on Mainland China has dropped rapidly. The birth rate dropped from 33.59/1000 in 1970 to 20.78/1000 in 1988 while the natural population growth rate declined from 25.83/1000 in 1970 to 14.20/1000 in 1988. However if the present birth rate is maintained there will be over 20 million additional people a year in China. Proposed means of restricting population growth are as follows: 1) by directly involving principal leaders of party committees and governments at all levels and incorporating population planning into the overall program on regional social and economic development; 2) by promoting the current family planning policy in an all-around manner including the encouragement of later marriages and childbirth and by strictly enforcing the policy; 3) by codifying the work step-by-step and raising mass awareness in observing family planning through extensive and in-depth propaganda and education; 4) by coordinating the efforts of all quarters. All departments and mass organizations are obligated to implement the policy. All policies must be formulated in a manner conducive to fewer and better births and to population control. In poverty stricken areas assistance should be combined with family planning. Public security industry and commerce administrative urban construction and family planning departments in all localities should work closely in studying ways for supervising family planning of floating population. Finally old age pensions should be actively promoted. (Authors modified)

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