
The article deals with China’s policy in Africa in the last decade. As the analysis shows, China is increasing steadily its presence in Africa, not only in the countries rich in resources, although the resources, especially oil, remain of particular importance for the Chinese economy, but also in the poor in natural resources and little attractive from the strategic point of view states. The author analyzes the features of China’s diplomacy on the continent, China-Africa trade relations, the activities of Beijing as a donor and investor in Africa. Special attention is paid to “One belt – one road” initiative, which takes the important place in today’s China strategy, and to role, which African countries, located on the crossroads of the land and sea “silk roads”, play in this initiative. The Chinese strategy envisages the implementation of infrastructure projects, including the construction of railways and highways, aviation communications, energy projects, industrial parks, and construction of seaports in coastal countries. The growth of Beijing’s investments in African economy and the expansion of the spheres of its influence on the continent are the subjects of close attention of politicians, scientists and media. On the one hand, they link with China’s policy the economic growth of African countries, some of which have entered into the ranks of the fastest growing states of the world. On the other hand, they accuse Beijing in “neo-colonial policy”, claiming that China is guided by its own interests, far from the African interests, and violates human rights and environmental standards in struggle for resources. The author concludes that an objective analysis of the various aspects of Beijing’s activities in Africa in the last decade, as well as the assessment of this activity by Africans in the course of interviews, may allow to establish the truth.


  • China is increasing steadily its presence in Africa, in the countries rich in resources, the resources, especially oil, remain of particular importance for the Chinese economy, and in the poor in natural resources and little attractive from the strategic point of view states

  • The growth of Beijing’s investments in African economy and the expansion of the spheres of its influence on the continent are the subjects of close attention of politicians, scientists and media

  • They link with China’s policy the economic growth of African countries, some of which have entered into the ranks of the fastest growing states of the world

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ТОМ 11 НОМЕР 5 2018 ны: Буркина-Фасо, Сан-Томе и Принсипи, Свазиленд и Гамбия сохраняли отношения с Тайванем. Но даже принимая во внимание, что вся внешнеполитическая деятельность Китая сегодня так или иначе подчинена реализации инициативы «Один пояс – один путь», нельзя не признать, что эти договоренности отвечают интересам африканских стран, крайне заинтересованных в индустриализации как важном шаге к устойчивому развитию. «группа 20» обещала помочь странам Континента решить эту проблему, однако Китай на тот момент уже вложил более 33 млрд долл. Экспорт нефти из Анголы – самого крупного африканского экспортера углеводородов в Китай – сократился с 41 млрд долл. В 2017 г., однако, китайско-африканская торговля вновь выросла: ее объем составил 170 млрд долл.. Question More, July 27, 2018 // https://www.rt.com/op-ed/434245-china-africa-trade-war/, дата обращения 12.10.2018. Помимо Анголы, крупные поставщики нефти в Китай – такие страны Африки, как Республика Конго, Южный Судан, Экваториальная Гвинея, Нигерия, Алжир, Ливия. Китайские компании имеют доли в нефтедобыче Ганы, Нигера, Габона, Эфиопии, Намибии; число стран – поставщиков нефти в Китай пополнили также Чад и Кения

Китай как донор и инвестор в страны Африки
Страна ЮАР ДРК Алжир Нигерия Замбия Судан Зимбабве Ангола Гана Танзания
Сельское хозяйство как сфера сотрудничества
Китай в Африке глазами африканцев
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