
Peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch (Peach Group)] trees bloom in response to chilling and postrest heat accumulation. The peach cultivar Coronet exposed to a graft-transmissible, infectious agent known as peach latent mosaic viroid (PLMVd) blooms at a different time than noninoculated trees of the same cultivar. To determine if chilling requirements differed between trees inoculated with PLMVd and noninoculated controls, fruiting shoots collected from the orchard and artificially chilled containerized trees were forced in a greenhouse. Additional artificially chilled containerized trees were forced under constant temperatures in growth chambers to determine if postrest heat accumulation requirements differed. There was no difference in the chilling requirement of the fruiting shoots collected from the field although the shoots exposed to PLMVd had a delayed response and fewer responded to greenhouse forcing conditions. The containerized trees also showed no differences in chilling requirements during winter 1999 or 2000. Trees inoculated with PLMVd had a significant delay in bloom. Growth chamber data revealed a significantly higher base temperature for heat accumulation in the PLMVd inoculated trees.

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