
Abstract. Purpose: Chili is an agricultural product that has several varieties and is in great demand. It can be consumed directly or processed first. This study aims to classify the types of chili using color and shape features. The types of chili are divided into five classes: cayenne pepper, green chili, big green chili, big red chili, and curly chili. The chili classification method was evaluated using three parameters: precision, recall, and accuracy.Methods: This study applied the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) method with the Euclidean and Manhattan distance calculation algorithm and used two feature types: color and shape. The color features were extracted based on RGB color space by obtaining the mean and standard deviation values. Meanwhile, the shape features used aspect ratio, area, and boundary.Result: The evaluation results of the classification method were able to achieve the precision, recall, and accuracy values of 1.0, which means that all test data were classified correctly. The evaluation was applied with 210 training images and 90 test images based on the test results.Novelty: This study extracted two types of features: color and shape. Those features fed the KNN method by applying the Euclidean and Manhattan distance calculation algorithm; hence, the optimal results were achieved.

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