
Introduction Lissa Paul, Rosemary Ross Johnston, and Emma Short Section 1: Writing War 1. Churchill's War Horse: Children's Literature and the Pleasure of War Paul Stevens 2. 'Flying the Flag': Artuto Rossato's First World War Fantasy Novel, L'Aeroplano di Girandolino Lindsay Myers 3. On the Italian Front: Salvator Gotta's Piccolo Alpino (1926) Francesca Orestano 4. A 'Revolutionary' First World War: Girls Writing Girls in America's St. Nicholas Magazine Andrea McKenzie 5. War, the Black Diaspora, and Anti-Colonialist Journalism: The Case of Our Boys and Girls Katharine Capshaw 6. Germanic Power and Uncle Sam's Orders: Immigrant Experience of the First World War in Swedish-American Writings for Youth Agnieszka Stasiewicz-Bienkowska Section 2: Propaganda & Experience 7. Schoolgirls and Female Youth in Germany during the First World War Andrew Donson 8. 'The Eastern glow where the big sons go': Arnold Wilson, Clifton College and the First World War Barbara Cooke 9. Australia and Wartime Chorography: Showing and Telling the Story of Home Rosemary Ross Johnston 10. The Building of Boys for War: The Militarization of Boys' Work in the Canadian and American YMCAs Jonathan Weier 11. 'A Salesman Soldier for Uncle Sam': Images of Childhood in US Food Conservation, 1914-1919 Justin Nordstrom Section 3: Education & Play 12. Fun and Military Games: The War in German Picture Books, 1914-1915 Emer O'Sullivan 13. 'A very cruel thing': Canadian Children, The First World War and the Grain Grower's Guide Kristine Moruzi 14. 'How Merrily the Battle Rages': Props for Make-Believe in the Edwardian Nursery Rosie Kennedy 15. Playing Soldiers? War, Boys, and the British Toy Industry Rachel Duffett Section 4: Activism 16. Girl Volunteers: Empowerment through Stories Margaret R. Higonnet 17. Scouting for Rebels: Na Fianna Eireann and Preparation for the Coming War, 1909-1918 Marnie Hay 18. A Child's Army of Millions: The American Junior Red Cross Branden Little 19. 'Leagues of Love' and 'Column Comrades': Children's Responses to War in late-Victorian and Edwardian England Sian Pooley Afterword: Prophesying War: The Hidden Agendas of British Children's Literature, 1900-1914 ... and 2015 Peter Hunt

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