
One of the main praxeological issuesin contemporary postmodern (creative, information/competence-based) society isthe formation of the knowledge about the living world, its structure andapplication possibilities. The disclosing of children’s leisure in summer is asignificant phenomenon in the creation of knowledge about the phenomena ofcontemporary leisure culture. Children’sleisure as a sphere of their everyday life is rather detached from formal(self-) education and demands not only a new attitude towards the phenomenon,but also the realization of new relationships between adults and children thatwould give a possibility to represent children’s needs. Thechild's environment changes in the beginningof summer holidays. Being institutionalized, schoolenvironment changes into free, not institutionalized. Therefore,changing status and roles of peers: former schoolfriends become yard, game and holiday friends. During summerleisure, children's life becomes more regulated, notdirected are affected by home location (rural,urban) environment in the region. Being in partnershipwith peers, children maintain social relationships with theenvironment and gain experience, independent of theirparents and other adults. Socializing with friends is animportant children's socializationprocess in summer leisure, because it helps the formationof many skills, attitudes, roles, affecting their abilityto adapt in the community, meets the need tobelong and to interact socially, to create their own ,,I” (personalidentity).Duringthe summer Children like to readbooks specially appoint time to this, go tothe libraries, and include in these activities friends ofinformal environment (yard, communities). Children want topursue activities for which they do not have time at the moments,when they are busy of formalized (school) tasks.KEYWORDS:children’s summer leisure, learning environment.

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