
The aim of the article is to describe and analyze Children’s Sleep HabitsQuestionnaire (CSHQ), to consider the problem of sleep disturbances of typicalchildren and children with autism spectrum disorders and to present the resultsof adaptation and approbation of the Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire(CSHQ) in a sample of Ukrainian children using parent reports.Methods. To achieve the aims of the article, we used methods of theoreticalanalysis of modern research on the topic of the article, methods for assessingpsychometric data using statistical criteria. To calculate the points, the Excel 2016was used, and to check the psychometric characteristics of the questionnaire,the statistical program IBM SPSS Statistics 23 was used.The results of the research. The results of adaptation and approbation of theChildren’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ) in a sample of Ukrainian childrenare presented. The scale was translated into Ukrainian from the original language(English) by a professional translator. In the adaptation of the questionnaire theparents of 506 children took part (293 typical children and 213 children withautism spectrum disorders), who filled in a questionnaire about their children’ssleep patterns. To check the psychometric characteristics of the questionnairethe determination of indicators of reliability (reliability as internal consistencyand reliability of repeated testing) and validity (apparent validity, criterionvalidity and constructive validity) were carried out. Psychometric characteristicsshowed a high and sufficient level. The procedure and interpretation of thestudy results were standardized. The frequency distribution was calculated bythe general indicator and additionally by age groups to determine the severityof sleep disturbances in children and adolescents. According to the results offrequency distribution, it was determined the overall distribution of scores,which gave the possibility to determine the presence and severity of the sleepdisorders among children.Conclusions. According to the objectives of the article, the problem of sleepdisturbances of typical children and children with autism spectrum disorderswas consided, the original questionnaire of Childhood Habits Questionnaire(CSHQ) was analyzed, translated into Ukrainian, and successfully adapted,tested and standardized on a sample of Ukrainian children and adolescents withand without autism.

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