
The study centers its interest in the understanding of the phenomenon of children in the streets in the Urb. “Las Virtudes”, "Las Virtudes” Recreational Center," Punto Fijo, Falcón State, Venezuela, in correspondence with the training in values ​​​​that from their homes have been obtained, circumstance that, potentially, would cause some type of damage in their physical, moral and psychological integrity. Research is inserted within the interpretive paradigm, with the use of ethnography and hermeneutics as methodical traditions. The informants are four (04) characters linked directly, with the problem addressed, whose identities remain anonymous due to their status as minors. The interview and the Participatory Observation were chosen as techniques for the collection of the information, being the instruments the Open Questionnaire and the Observation Guide. The results indicate that these children go to the area described above, escaping from the reality in their homes; This situation is experienced throughout the country motivated, largely, the lack of responsibility and sense of commitment of parents with their children.

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