
Child sexual abuse is defined as the involvement of a child in sexual activity that he or she does not fully understand or is unable to give informed consent to. Dental surgeons who work with children must be alert to signs and behaviors that can help diagnose abuse and criminalize the aggressor. Thus, the present study aimed to present a literature review regarding dental management in cases suggestive of child sexual abuse. According to the literature review, it was possible to identify that child sexual abuse is a silently underreported social issue, capable of causing physical and psychological harm to the victim. Suggestive injuries, preferably in the head and neck region, should be evaluated taking note of the causal history reported by the child and their guardian, if necessary, separately. In the assimilation of injuries resulting from sexually transmitted infections, testing and treatment must be included in care. The dental surgeon must be prepared to carry out compulsory notification under the risk of ethical, civil and criminal charges. The creation of public policies and the union of sectors that work directly with the child population must focus on education and children's understanding of the limits of access by third parties to their bodies, as well as support networks for the victim's mental and social restructuring.

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