
Child marriages are one of the most improtant reasons of gender inequality in the family in Turkey, as well as a widespread social problem we face is seen all over the world. This situation increases the need for child marriages to be viewed from a different dimension to the phenomenon and to reveal all aspects of this problem. The issue of child marriages are being addressed in the literature in recent years has been the subject of research in different disciplines, but most of the work is focused on a single dimension of child marriage or depending on the specific area it seems they are trying to identify child marriage. In current study, although carried to contribute to the debate on the concept of child marriage, legal issues, medical, economic, social and political dimensions are presented with an integrated approach. In present study, it has been found that child marriages are an important result of observed gender inequalities in social, political, and economic life and child marriages have been found to cause to continue the gender inequality on women’s lives. However, the cultural codes, values and inequalities, the deterioration of the family structure, social movements, and migration are seen to have an impact on child marriages. In this study, many suggestions are offered to solve the problem of child marriages such as ensuring gender equality in childhood, abandoning conditioning on gender roles, and increasing education level and the law enforcement.

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