
Abstract The contribution gives a review of the research findings mapping (survey) the pupils’ creativity level. It provides information about education in alternative schools: Montessori, Waldorf and the Integrated Thematic Instruction (ITI), where the research was realised. The Torrance test (TTCT) and Urban test (TSD-Z) were used for the identification of pupils’ creativity. The procreative tendency of the teachers was examined by the Self-Rating Scale of the Creatively Oriented Personality (SRSCP). The comparison of pupils’ and teachers’ results from standard and alternative schools brought diverse results. Our findings regarding the creativity level of pupils attending the second grade of Montessori and Waldorf schools (N=50) in comparison with the children in standard schools suggest no significant differences. The pupils of the alternative classes of ITI (N= 206) achieved significantly higher scores of originality than those of standard schools (N=194). A link between the teachers’ creative orientation and their pupils’ creativity has not been found.

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