
Chikungunya is a mosquito-borne viral disease caused by the chikungunya virus (CHIKV). CHIKV is expanding at an alarming rate, potentially spreading and establishing endemicity in new areas where competent vectors are present. The dramatic spread of CHIKV in recent years highlights the urgent need to take precautionary measures and investigate options for control. It is crucial in developing nations where diagnostic tools are limited, and symptoms are similar to other prevalent diseases such as malaria and dengue. The most reliable method for diagnosing chikungunya virus is viral gene detection by RT-PCR. Alternative methods like detecting human antibody and viral antigen can also be used, especially in areas where resources are limited. In this review, we summarize the limited data on antigen detection immunoassays. We further explain the essential structural elements of the virus to help comprehend the scientific concepts underlying the testing methods, as well as future methods and diagnostic approaches under investigation.

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