
Chickpea locally known as garbanzos is being introduced in the Philippines to help reduce importation, improve nutritional problem and as alternative high value crop for the farmers and provide alternative health promoting food products in the market and alternative livelihood opportunities for entrepreneurs. ICCV 93952, ICCV 92311, ICCV 2, ICCV 94954, ICCV 95332, produced high yields and found to be productive under highlands conditions. Chickpea is a good source of minerals, protein and trace elements. Based on the results of the nutritional content of chickpea flour, it showed that it is high in dietary fiber, potassium, iron and sodium. Dietary fiber is essential for a healthy diet and for its ability to prevent or relieve constipation, lower risk of diabetes, heart disease, lower blood cholesterol, glucose levels and prevents colon cancer. Chickpea flour is three times higher in dietary fiber content than wheat flour and rice. Chickpea flour had low glycemic index and much lower than wheat flour and milled rice. Low glycemic index foods reduce blood sugar level thus prevent diabetes. Various products were developed with the supplementation wheat flour from chickpea flour. Thirty percent (30%) substitution showed acceptable processed chickpea based food products which includes; eggdrop, cookies, bar, tart, buns, butter cake, leche flan, waffles, polvoron, etc. Chickpea in brine, in syrup, as fingerfood, as salad, as humus or paste were acceptable. Chickpea is a versatile food and could be prepared in several ways as salad, as humus/paste, and as processed product. It could combined with vegetables such as buridibud, apritada, as soup, as a drink or tea. To commercialize the product, production cost of each item was determined based on prevailing market price. Several trainings were also conducted, techno demo plots and hands on processing. Attendance and exhibition of the products to trade fairs were also actively participated in the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Bureau of Agricultural Research-Department of Agriculture (DA-BAR), and Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and in the University anniversary celebrations.

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