
The present article addresses the scenario of chicken genetic resources, their production and reproduction performances and their conservation in Bangladesh. The chickens, among other poultry species available in the country, are the most versatile component for meat and egg production. The chicken germplasms available in the country are indigenous, exotic, crossbred, and commercial hybrid. The indigenous chicken population is comprised of Non-descript Desi (ND), Naked Neck (NN), Aseel (AS), Hilly (H), Native Dwarf and Jungle Fowl etc. The exotic chicken such as, White Leghorn (WL), White Rock (WR), White Cornish (WC), Rhode Island Red (RIR), Australorp, Fayoumi, Barred Plymouth Rock (BPR) etc. are imported mostly to upgrade the indigenous stock. The crossbred of different chickens are used in the country in intensive, semi-intensive and scavenging management system. The commercial hybrid such as grandparent stock (GP), parent stock (PS), commercial broiler, commercial layer etc. has got most popularity for meat and egg production in the country. Conservation and improvement program of endangered native chicken such as Aseel and Native Dwarf chicken should be taken both in-situ or ex-situ in vivo by public sector/research institutes/universities.
 SAARC J. Agri., 17(1): 119-134 (2019)


  • Bangladesh has a long history of chicken rearing under traditional backyard farming

  • The indigenous chicken population is comprised of a number of breeds/types such as Non-descript Desi (ND), Naked Neck (NN), Aseel (AS), Hilly (H), Native Dwarf, Jungle Fowl and Frizzled Plumage (Bhuiyan et al, 2005; Das et al, 2008) in respect of the morphological variations as well as production performances

  • Blood protein variants study revealed that Non-descript Deshi, Naked Neck, Hilly and Native Dwarf they may be regarded as one breed or population because of having small distances among them (Okada et al, 1988)

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Bangladesh has a long history of chicken rearing under traditional backyard farming. Since 1990, commercial chicken farming started on small scales. Different types of chicken such as indigenous chicken, exotic and crossbred chicken, and commercial hybrid are available in the country This sub-sector is an important avenue in fostering agricultural growth and reduces malnutrition for the people in Bangladesh. It is an integral part of farming system in Bangladesh and has created direct, indirect employment opportunity including support services for about 6 million people (Ansarey, 2012; Da Silva and Rankin, 2014) It has proved as an attractive economic activity, thereby, indicating itsimportance for the entire economy. The present article addresses the available chicken genetic resources with their distributions, productive and reproductive performances along with conservation status of endangered breed/variety so the chicken producers and researchers can get all the information for future improvement and conservation program of chicken

Geographic distribution of different genotypes of chicken
All over the country
Available chicken germplasms in Bangladesh
Naked Neck
Spur Egg size
Hilly Grey or reddish Yellow Featherless Brownish
Shank colour
Production and reproduction performances of chicken in Bangladesh
Name of chicken
Average Novogen Brown
Conservation of Chicken Genetic Resources
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