
This paper considers the possibility that, starting from a relativistic Hermitian quantum field theory in the ultraviolet (UV) regime, and applying a nonperturbative renormalization-group (RG) flow, we arrive at a situation where there are infrared (IR) singularities in the RG flow of couplings. The latter can be resolved by assuming that the theory can have a phase described by a related non-Hermitian PT-symmetric modification in the IR. The UV-to-IR (Hermitian-to-PT-symmetric) transition can occur in a single renormalization-group flow of the pertinent couplings, as demonstrated in concrete examples. When embedded in a gravitational setting such a transition can lead to a repulsive gravity phase. If there is a RG flow to a repulsive PT -symmetric gravity, then this would be an alternative to dark energy. The discussion here is presented in the context of a string-inspired Chern-Simons gravitational effective action, which involves a pseudoscalar (axionlike) field coupled to Abelian gauge fields and gravity; it may also hold more generally in gravity with torsion. The validity of such a scenario in realistic theories might alleviate the need for de Sitter phases in the current epoch of cosmological evolution, thus avoiding their associated conceptual and technical complications. Published by the American Physical Society 2024

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