
Naegleria fowleri amebae demonstrated a chemotactic and chemokinetic response toward live cells and extracts of Escherichia coli and other bacterial species when experiments were performed using a blind-well chemotaxis chamber. The peptide N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine acted as a chemokinetic rather than a chemotactic factor for N. fowleri amebae. Competition experiments in which nerve cell extracts or bacteria were placed on either side of the filter in chemotaxis chambers resulted in increased movement towards bacteria. A scanning electron microscopy study of the interaction of N. fowleri with different bacterial species confirmed that when the amebae were near ingestible bacteria they moved toward the bacteria by pseudopod formation. Naegleria fowleri appeared to respond to bacteria by three interrelated but distinct processes: chemokinesis, chemotaxis, and formation of food cups.

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