
Concerns have been raised about potential toxic interactions when colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) and chemoradiation are concurrently performed. In 2006, the ASCO guidelines advised against their concomitant use. Nevertheless, with the development of modern radiotherapy techniques and supportive care, the therapeutic index of combined chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and CSFs is worth reassessing. Recent clinical trials testing chemoradiation in lung cancer let investigators free to decide the use of concomitant CSFs or not. No abnormal infield event was reported after the use of modern radiotherapy techniques and concomitant chemotherapy regimens. These elements call for further investigation to set new recommendations in favour of the association of chemoradiation and CSFs. Moreover, radiotherapy could induce anticancer systemic effects mediated by the immune system in vitro and in vivo. With combined CSFs, this effect was reinforced in preclinical and clinical trials introducing innovative radioimmunotherapy models. So far, the association of radiation with CSFs has not been combined with immunotherapy. However, it might play a major role in triggering an immune response against cancer cells, leading to abscopal effects. The present article reassesses the therapeutic index of the combination CSFs-chemoradiation through an updated review on its safety and efficacy. It also provides a special focus on radioimmunotherapy.

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