
Clinical management of arsenic poisoning has been a major concern especially in countries like Bangladesh., India., Taiwan., Chile, Hungary and Argentina. In recent past, therapeutic efficacy of chelating agents, vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants and hormones has been investigated in many laboratories. Whereas, arsenic can be chelated by several agents viz: British Anti Lewisite (BAL), unithiol (DMPS), succimer (DMSA), monoisoamyl dimercaptosuccinic acid (MiADMSA), monocyclohexyl dimercaptosuccinic acid (MchDMSA), coadministration of quercetin and MiADMSA and taurine and MiADMSA have been found to reduce arsenic burdeon more effectively than their individual treatments. There are convincing reports that non-enzymatic antioxidants i.e. ascorbic acid, alpha tocopherol, B carotene, N-acetyl cysteine, alpha lipoic acid, curcumin, GSH and selenium offer protection against arseniasis by reducing oxidative stress. Melatonin, a product of pineal gland being a strong free radical scavenger possesses immense therapeutic importance against arseniasis. Thyroid hormones too influence arsenic toxicity. All these studies made in experimental animals have been briefly described in this review. However, cohorts made in human population are insignificant. Suitable clinical trials using these therapeutic agents individually or in combination may lead to the discovery of a “magic bullet” against arseniasis.

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