
Genital bleeding poses a serious threat to patients with progressive locally advanced malignant tumors. Surgical treatment is often impossible in these patients; therefore, to achieve reliable hemostasis, the patients should undergo embolization of vessels feeding the tumor. Good results have been achieved by selective catheterization of pelvic arteries using chemoembolization with HepaSphere microspheres (Biosphere Medical, France) delivering the therapeutic agent to the tumor. Hydrophilicity of microspheres loaded with cytostatics and their biological compatibility with tissues ensure long-term therapeutic effect by controlling tumor growth. Pronounced hemostatic and antitumor effects of this treatment method have been confirmed by a morphological study. This study analyzes 38 patients that underwent chemoembolization with HepaSpheres loaded with doxorubicin or irinotecan, which allowed surgery and further treatment.


  • 2кафедра акушерства и гинекологии Академии постдипломного образования ФГБУ ФНКЦ ФМБА России; Россия, 125371 Москва, Волоколамское шоссе, 91; 3кафедра клинической лабораторной диагностики и патологической анатомии Академии постдипломного образования ФГБУ ФНКЦ ФМБА России; Россия, 125371 Москва, Волоколамское шоссе, 91

  • Surgical treatment is often impossible in these patients; to achieve reliable hemostasis, the patients should undergo embolization of vessels feeding the tumor

  • Good results have been achieved by selective catheterization of pelvic arteries using chemoembolization with HepaSphere microspheres (Biosphere Medical, France) delivering the therapeutic agent to the tumor

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Надежные результаты были достигнуты при использовании селективной катетеризации артерий таза с химиоэмболизацией микросферами HepaSphere (Biosphere Medical, Франция), депонирующими лекарство в самой опухоли. Ключевые слова: артериальная химиоэмболизация, рецидивы рака шейки и тела матки, рецидив саркомы матки, эмболизация маточных артерий, HepaSphere, остановка кровотечения. Для цитирования: Кедрова А.Г., Лебедев Д.П., Астахов Д.А. Применение гепасфер для химиоэмболизации злокачественных опухолей малого таза как этап комплексного лечения. Good results have been achieved by selective catheterization of pelvic arteries using chemoembolization with HepaSphere microspheres (Biosphere Medical, France) delivering the therapeutic agent to the tumor. This study analyzes 38 patients that underwent chemoembolization with HepaSpheres loaded with doxorubicin or irinotecan, which allowed surgery and further treatment. For citation: Kedrova A.G., Lebedev D.P., Astakhov D.A. et al Chemoembolization with HepaSpheres as a stage of comprehensive treatment for malignant pelvic tumors.

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Рак мочевого пузыря Bladder cancer
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