
1. Chemmotology and tribology are scientific disciplines which study the problems of increasing the service life, reliability, and economy of internal combustion engines, machines, and mechanisms: a) Chemmotology investigates (from the point of view of properties) the quality of fuels, lubricating oils, greases, and special liquids and the methods of their efficient utilization; b) Tribology studies the problems of friction, wear, lubrication, design, and production of bearings. 2. To achieve a successful solution of the problems in the fields of chemmotology and tribology, on which depends the rate of development and the economics of the utilization of engineering in industry, agriculture, transport, and in the air force, the following measures should be implemented: a) The training of specialists in chemmotology and tribology at different levels must be put on a firm foundation; b) Scientific centers of chemmotology and tribology must be established on the basis of the corresponding research institutes; c) A network of chemmotology laboratories must be created at the departmental research institutes and the machine building plants and petroleum refineries, so as to safeguard the interests of the producers and the main bulk consumers of fuels and lubricating materials; d) The work on chemmotology concerns the interests of the petroleum industry, the machine building industry, and various departments making use of engineering techniques and thus a special body (committee) is required which coordinates and organizes the work in the field of chemmotology on a governmental scale.

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