
Hydrothermal fields on submarine spreading centres were first studied systematically during dives of the deep submersible ALVIN on the crest of the Galapagos Ridge in 86°W in the spring of 1977. While the exiting waters had temperatures only about 20°C above that of the ambient water column detailed analysis of their chemistry showed them to be formed by mixing of cold sea water (as “ground-water”) with a hydrothermal endmember of approximate temperature 350°C. Subsequently fields of hot springs with this temperature were found on the crest of the East Pacific Rise at 21°N by ALVIN in 2 600 metres water depth. Reconnaissance water sampling of these systems was made in November 1979 and a detailed study has just been completed (November 1981). The 350°C solutions are completely depleted of their original sea-water concentrations of Mg and SO 4 . They are acid with a pH (25°C, 1 atmos) of 3.6 and an acidity of 400 μeq/kg. They contain about 7 mmol/kg of H 2 S. The isotopic composition of this sulphur and the arsenic to sulphur ratio in the solutions indicate that about 85% of it is of igneous origin. The “soluble elements” Li, K and Rb are strongly enriched over the sea-water values, as are Ca and Ba. Sr is present at close to the sea-water concentrations however the isotopic compositon is identical to that of the basalts. The exiting solutions are clear and homogeneous super-critical fluids of in situ density approximately 0.65 g/cm 3 . Velocities in the throat of the orifices are around 1.5 m/sec. The iron concentrations are 1.8 mmol/kg and the Fe/Mn ratio is about 3. The reconnaissance samples gave Zn of 120 μol/kg and Cu and Ni of about 15 μol/kg. Upon mixing with sea-water the hot springs precipitate a voluminous black “smoke” predominantly composed of fine-grained FeS. Anhydrite is precipitated around the throat of the orifice producing chimney-like constructional features up to 10-m high. As these grow vertically the anydrite is replaced by sulphide minerals. The outer surface of the chimneys is colonized by several species of worms that secrete mats of tubes, up to several centimetres in diameter, composed of a tough organic material. Lateral growth of the chimneys via leaks in their walls leads to precipitation of sulphide minerals in a morphology controlled by the organic mats. All the numerous extinct sulphide deposits in the area have this characteristic surface texture. The active deposits on the EPR are unlike ophiolite type massive sulphides chemically, mineralogically and texturally. However, they do represent the primary precipitate. It appears that during lateral growth and coalescence of the chimneys in a given field the original deposit is reworked chemically as the 350°C solutions stream through the disequilibrium rapidly precipitated material. A “zone refined” substrate results consisting of coarsely crystalline, permeable relatively pure pyrite. This secondary deposit is, of course, capped with juvenile chimneys. It is these that probably constitute the ochres, the oxidized surficial zones of massive sulphides historically worked for silver and other elements present at only trace levels in the bulk deposit.

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