
Although several reforms have shifted the direction of education, a debate on the strengths and limitations of science education in Kosovo has not yet been initiated. The present article analyses the development of chemistry education in Kosovo and encourages questions that could shape science education practices in general. In particular, the article analyses the pre-university chemistry curriculum in Kosovo over the years, as well as examining chemistry teacher education programmes. The analysis is based on descriptive research of data and document analysis. The multidimensional analysis of the issues and challenges of chemistry education will provide recommendations for future research on chemistry education and chemistry teaching practices in order to make chemistry education and the pre-university chemistry curriculum relevant to the context of Kosovo. As pre-university education curricula, especially the curriculum for the natural sciences, and the preparation of both pre-service and in-service teachers in Kosovo are considered challenging, a firm conclusion for actions has not been reached. Nevertheless, the article seeks to spark a debate in the field.


  • According to the latest European Commission report (2019), education quality in Kosovo remains a challenge at all levels

  • In 2012, MEST decided to reform the preparation of subject teachers according to the consecutive 3+2 model, whereby prospective teachers should complete three years of academic subject/content bachelor studies at the academic units and two years at the master’s level at the Faculty of Education with general and pedagogical content knowledge courses offered

  • The results suggest that chemistry instruction at lower and upper secondary schools in Kosovo is unpopular or irrelevant to students, or that it lacks relevance to chemistry teaching

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Fatlume Berisha

Čeprav je vrsta reform že spremenila smer izobraževanja, se razprava o prednostih in omejitvah naravoslovnega izobraževanja še ni začela. Prispevek analizira razvoj kemijskega izobraževanja na Kosovu in postavlja vprašanja, ki bi lahko na splošno oblikovala naravoslovno izobraževalno prakso. Natančneje, prispevek analizira preduniverzitetni kurikulum na Kosovu v zadnjih nekaj letih pa tudi študijske programe za izobraževanje učiteljev kemije. Multidimenzionalna analiza vprašanj in izzivov kemijskega izobraževanja bo omogočila oblikovanje priporočil za prihodnje raziskave na področju kemijskega izobraževanja in prakse poučevanja kemije z namenom narediti kemijsko izobraževanje in preduniverzitetni kurikulum relevanten za kosovski kontekst. Ker se učni načrti preduniverzitetnega izobraževanja, zlasti učni načrti za naravoslovje in učni načrti študijskih programov za izobraževanje učiteljev ter za programe izpopolnjevanja učiteljev na Kosovu, štejejo za zahtevne, nekih zavezujočih sklepov za ukrepe še ni bilo doseženih. Ključne besede: kemijsko izobraževanje, kemijski kurikulum, izobraževanje učiteljev kemije, študijski programi za izobraževanje učiteljev kemije c e p s Journal | Vol.10 | No1 | Year 2020 127

Chemistry Teacher Education in Kosovo
Obstacles and issues that the current education system faces today
Time for Action
Biographical note
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