
As a chemist, ACS Congressional Fellow Thomas L. James wants to bring his analytical skills to bear on the Washington political process. But the Harvard Ph.D. graduate also has developed a realist's view of Capitol Hill decision-making: For political decisions that involve science or the scientific community, he says, research data are only one of a number of factors The ACS Congressional Fellowship Program, James continues, has provided him with total immersion in national politics—an experience that has swept aside any preconceived ideas he might have had about Washington people or the inner workings of the House of Representatives. In general, he says, the people he has encountered are bright, articulate, and dedicated to their work—not at all the stereotype of Washington bureaucrats. For his yearlong assignment, James chose to work for Sen. Carl Levin CDMich.) and the minority staff of the Senate Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management & the District of Columbia. The ...

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