
The photoactive species involved in the photochemical hydrogen production in the Rh/sub 2/(bridge)/sub 4//sup 2 +/ (where (bridge) = 1,3-diisocyanopropane) system has not been previously characterized. Now, however, x-ray crystallographic data for the salt obtained on addition of CoCl/sub 2/.6H/sub 2/O to the photoactive solution of Rh/sub 2/(bridge)/sub 4/(BF/sub 4/)/sub 2/ in 12M HC1 may have elucidated the species form. It is believed that the photoactive species differs from the cation ((RH/sub 4/(bridge)/sub 8/Cl)/sup 5 +/) only by the binding of an additional Cl/sup -/ion. The crystal structure and bond distances are discussed in some detail, and it is concluded that the formula for the crystalline salt must be H/sub 3/(Rh/sub 4/(bridge)/sub 8/Cl)(CoCl/sub 4/)/sub 4/.nH/sub 2/O where n is at least 3 and more likely 6. (BLM)

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