
The multiphoton dissocn. of CF2HCl by an IR pulsed laser was studied in a glass cell with KCl end windows and placed between the poles of a 14 kG electromagnet. The enhancement on the dissocn. yield by the magnetic field increases with decreasing laser energy fluence. Above 3 J/cm2 no significant magnetic field effect occurs. At a fluence of 1 J/cm2 the dissocn. yield is .apprx.3 times as high as in the absence of the magnetic field. As the CF2HCl pressure increases the dissocn. yield remains unchanged until 1.5 torr, after which the dissocn. yield increases with increasing pressure. The obsd. magnetic field effects are explained by a breakdown of the angular momentum selection rules in the strong field and a resulting increased effective d. of states or alternatively by a Zeeman shift of the resonance frequency.

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