
We report the directed assembly of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) at lithographically defined positions on gate oxide surfaces, allowing for the high yield ( approximately 90%) and parallel fabrication of SWCNT device arrays. SWCNTs were first chemically functionalized through diazonium chemistry with a hydroxamic acid end group that both renders the SWCNTs water-soluble and discriminately binds the SWCNTs to basic metal oxide surfaces (i.e., hafnium oxide (HfO2)). The functionalized SWCNTs are then assembled from an aqueous solution into narrow trenches etched into SiO2 films with HfO2 at the bottom. The side walls of the patterned trenches induce alignment of the SWCNTs along the length of the trenches. Heating the structures to 600 degrees C removes the organic moieties, leaving pristine SWCNTs as evidenced by Raman spectroscopy and electrical measurements. Palladium source-drain electrodes deposited perpendicular to the trench length readily contact the ends of the aligned SWCNTs. The resultant devices exhibit the electrical performance expected for SWCNT devices, with no performance deterioration as a result of the placement process. This technique allows for the directed assembly and alignment of SWCNTs over a large area and results in a high yield of working devices, presenting a promising path toward large-scale SWCNT device integration.

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