
Chemical trail marking and following by gregarious caterpillars,Malacosoma neustria L. (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), was studied in the laboratory. As in other species ofMalacosoma, larvae deposit a trail pheromone from a sternal secretory site when searching the host for food. Larvae in the vanguard of foraging columns establish chemical trails as they explore new territory. Marking behavior diminishes as successive unfed foragers utilize the trail. These exploratory trails are subsequently overmarked by fed larvae returning to the tent. Other foragers follow the trails of fed larvae in preference to trails of unfed larvae. Thus, like the eastern tent caterpillar,M. americanum, successful foragers ofM. neustria recruit colony-mates to feeding sites. The chemical activity of both recruitment and exploratory trails degrades slowly, suggesting that the trail pheromone ofM. neustria is a nonvolatile substance. Caterpillars ofM. neustria readily follow the nonvolatile trail pheromone which has been identified fromM. americanum, 5β-cholestane-3,24-dione.

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